Vendor development is one of the key priorities for us going forward. This section provides information on licensing and registration for India-based contractors and suppliers who are interested in doing business with R&D Multiples. While the requirements for each application varies, we always look for the following:
- Brief profile including client list
- Technical capability
- Price
- Test certificates & performance testimonials from other clients (previous experience with valve companies and our competitors will be highly preferred)
- Key personnel and their background
- Photo evidence of your setup
- Distance from Pardi, Gujarat (lower the better!)
Companies which are interested are requested to send all their details as per the above to procurement@rdmultiples.com. Please note that we will not be able to consider your company if any of the above details are incomplete.
We are currently looking for vendors in the following areas:
- Foundries (CI, DI, WCB, Duplex Stainless Steel) with single piece capacity ranging from 10kgs to > 6,000kgs
- Rubber moulding with metal inserts in EPDM & Nitrile rubber
- Complete machining facilities for valves (ranging from 50mm to 2800mm)
- Pattern making (wooden/aluminium)
- Gearboxes (quarter-turn worm type upto 2,500 kg-m)
- Fusion bonded epoxy powder (with WRAS/GSK approval)