The Swing Type NRV’s are the most used over the years. Simplicity is their biggest advantage. R & D Multiple’s Swing Check Valves primarily embody robustness & leak-tightness. Shorter Door Travel due to slant disc, eccentrically loaded doors ensure quick reflux closing action to avoid the door slamming & consequent undesired effects. These are the NRV’s that you can rely upon & relax. |
- Single Door: 50mm to 600mm & Multi-Door: 600 to 1200mm sizes available.
- Pressure ratings: PN 10, PN16, PN24.
- Inclined seats ensure shorter door travel leading to quick closing & opening.
- Material of construction: Shell: C.I., S.G.I., C.S. (WCB), D2.
: Trim: Resilient, Bronze, S.S.
- Generally conforming to IS 5312 Standards.
- Large Hydrodynamic flow passages ensure minimum pressure drop across the valve.
- Drain plug, Air Release plug supplied. Mounting feet can be optionally provided for single door valves.
- Mounting Feet, Lifting Lugs & Inspection / stopper opening provided for multi-door valves.
- By-pass arrangement can be optionally supplied.
- Counter-weight arrgt. (externally adjustable) available for single door NRV’s.
- Resilient Seates: Standard. Metal to Metal seats: Optional.
- Pneumatic / Hydraulic dashpot arrangement can be offered.